Tuesday, January 24, 2012

6 Weeks

So, today marks Aryah turning six weeks old. After a very scary visit to the hospital at four weeks old, I am happy to say that she has recovered nicely from her eye infection. Last week we spent getting her back used to the house, and that was not so fun. My wonderful child is not spoiled or anything, having to get her a new mobile that ran more than a few minutes. But she loves the new one and it runs for 20 minutes with a light show. She has started eating over 4 oz a sitting, sometimes as much as 6 oz. She is almost out of her newborn clothes, but not quite big enough for the 0-3 months. She is growing so big. Her new favorite pastime is watching her birds on her snug-a-bunny going warp speed....any slower and she gets bored. Things I am loving that she's not doing anymore is screaming all the time. She still does when she gets a belly ache or just in a bad mood but it's not all the time anymore. Also we have more time to "play" as she is awake without being upset.

Asleep in her Snug-a-Bunny

Just for her Grandmas

Watch the Birdies!!

UNC Fan just like her Daddy

I'm gonna get the Kitty

Monday, January 16, 2012

Home is where the Heart is.....

Today marks three years married to my wonderful husband, Aaron. Our wedding was a small affair at the court house on a Friday afternoon with our witnesses and parents. At the time I was pregnant with Zoe, and we had just gotten the news that week that she was sick with CDH. We had no idea all the trials and tribulations we would face on our journey with our first daughter. All we knew was that we loved each other and we loved our little girl. At the time it was the happiest day of my life. I was marrying my best friend and the father of my child.

For our first Anniversary was spent mourning our daughter Zoe as we tried to figure out how to continue without her. It was hard that first year and bitter sweet to know that Aaron and I had survived the most difficult thing parents ever have to survive still together. Losing a child can tear the family apart, but for us it only solidified the bond that we already had. We leaned on one another and with a wonderful councilor we learned how to process what we each were going through.

Our second Anniversary just kinda came and went, as we had not the money to go anywhere or the time off work for me. But even not going anywhere we always spend the time together and relish the fact that we have each other. The second year was more about us. A date night that we needed to just have time outside the house with each other.

So now we come to this year. We were lucky enough to have a wonderful support group this year as for the past five days our munchkin, Aryah, has been in the hospital with an eye infection and cold. We got to have a mini date night on Saturday for a few hours, as we made spaghetti for dinner and watched Doomsday on our couch. Just to be able to spend the relaxing time with my husband was a gift that I am very thankful for. As we spend today only partly together, as I slept at home last night and now Aaron is home taking a nap, the great news is that we get to take Aryah home today. There can be no better Anniversary gift than to take our baby daughter home.

To my most wonderful husband, I love you more than you can know. You are my world, my rock, my life, and other than Aryah, my everything. You put up with all my craziness without complaint or judgement, and I know I have quite a bit some days. Thank you my love. For being you and loving me.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Adventures at Brenners

So we are on our third night of our stay at Brenners. Aryah got sick on Wednesday morning and we ended up at the Children's ER at Brenners to be told that we would be staying for at least 48 hours. Her eye was swollen, she had a fever, junky nose, and a really bad case of gassy stomach. That was three days ago. Yesterday they told us that while her cultures were looking fine, they wanted to keep her here for at least five days on antibiotics. I'm not going to lie, I was almost in tears. Zoe had spent her while life in Brenners and I have been have a tough time with this.

I lost my head the other night as Aryah would not stop crying no matter what I did and after three hours I was unpleasant enough to tell my husband what I thought of the whole situation at that moment. Now granted I was running on hardly any sleep for days, and interview in the morning, and the stress of being at Brenners (while I would take my child no where else for treatment, it still haunts me being here). Let's just say I'm glad Aaron loves me and won't be divorcing me over my loss of sanity the other night.

But on a very good note, the interview went really well and the manager had already known that Aryah was in the hospital. So as I went loopy towards the end of the interview, at least she knew why and it wasn't because I'm just weird....well at least that wasn't the only reason. I was offered the position that day and am super stoked about it. It was kinda funny to have Aryah's docs ask me how the job interview went. And they were all so happy for me. It is kinda reminiscent of how I ended up in the feild I am in. I was at Brenners then too when I got the results of my test for CNA I. So I guess it is kinda fitting that when I get the job I've been wanting for a while now that I should be in the place that made me start down this journey anyhow.

Aaron stayed with munchkin last night and she acted perfectly for him......Daddy's girl already. It's very cute and yet somehow unnerving at the same time. I get here tonight for my turn and what happens not ten minutes after he leaves, Aryah starts screaming for and hour. Silly girl. Bad gas problems. I remember all the people telling me how wonderful having a child is, not a one of them mentioned the fact that all newborns do is cry and scream. It is almost enough to pull out all my hair. It doesn't help that she is having the most horrible time trying to breath with her nose congested. But I've gotten her to sleep for the moment so I guess I should try to get some sleep.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Aryah's Arrival

A week ago today our lovely daughter Aryah arrived. Granted we had to take her out (c-section) and the time got pushed back several times due to emergency cases. Unfortunately, Daddy was unable to be there for her birth but Auntie Mel was there. It went smooth once we finally got in there, and there is nothing so precious as hearing your child's first cry once out of you. 7 lbs 14.9 oz, 20.5 inches long, dark blue eyes, and strawberry blond hair. Our healthy happy baby...most of the time happy. In the past week all the grandparents have dotted on her, all her aunts and uncles have seen her, and finally yesterday her big brother got to hold her. I have never seen someone so happy as Cole was holding his baby sister for the first time. Now if I can only find the time to sleep and still get everything done that we need to. Today was Daddy's last day of school for this semester, (thank goodness) and he went back to work tonight. Our little pumpkin Aryah has finally calmed down after a very fussy night and beginning of the day. But I would not trade any of this for any thing else in the world. She is our rainbow after the storm.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Newest Fisher

While we are a family of three (Aaron, Cole, and I), the Fishers have a new edition on the way. Aryah Hope, is due to be born on December 13. After almost two years since the death of our beloved Zoe Aris (6/3/09 - 10/22/09), we never thought we would have another child. Yes there are days when I'm scared but I try very hard to get through the day without freaking out.
However, so far everything looks great. Diaphragm is where it is supposed to be and organs in the right places. She is moving and beating my insides as I type this. Cole is already planning all the adventures Aryah can get into. As more info on our newest little girl becomes available I will update.